Circular Design

What is zero-waste?
If we are to reclaim and re-purpose waste material, it only makes sense not to create our own. That’s why we adhere to a strict zero-waste policy in our production and distribution.
Working with offcuts means we try to avoid sending perfectly good materials to a landfill. Zero-waste is the approach where you appreciate everything in your disposal and never discard something that can be useful, if not to yourself maybe to someone else.
What we do
We design with sustainability in mind, planning and executing everything with precision, maximizing the use of our fabrics.
But there’s waste, right? Well no, we collect everything, even our leftover threads and we do a lot of head-scratching and try to come up with ways to use them further. Most of our smaller products, like the Alice pouches and our Gyan bunting, for example, are made exclusively from our own offcuts. We design products based on what we have available, and the cutting floor is full of perfectly good scraps.
There’s still stuff that gets left behind? We process them further, make them into stuffing for cushions, pet toys, so many things!
Our target
There’s still a lot of things to be done. For example, what to do with our rivets and metal parts? We re-use them as many times as possible. What about the zips?
Our target is to be 100% zero-waste. And not only with our products but with the full product life cycle. This is why we have Project Zero, we want to take responsibility for everything we release on this planet.
Free Repairs
We want you to love your 3QUARTERS bag and we are doing our best for them to have a long life. Nothing lasts forever though, materials age, components break. Whenever there is something wrong, we’re here to fix it, free of charge. Do you have an issue?
Circular Design
“A circular economy is based on the principles of designing out waste and pollution, keeping products and materials in use, and regenerating natural systems.” *
The linear economy model is catastrophic. We can no longer take resources, make products, use them and discard them. After two centuries of industrial production and careless pollution, the future society needs to be self sustaining and responsible.
What we do
Three things:
1. We design-out waste. With simplicity, efficiency and respect for our materials. You might call it circular design.
2. We offer free repairs and replacement of broken parts. For life. Because things should last, and be loved and occasionally be mended.
3. Launching Project Zero. Acknowledging the real impact of all our products, we want to be responsible for them until the end of their life.
The Future
“Every second, the equivalent of one garbage truck of textiles is landfilled or burned.” *
This goes beyond fast-fashion and far away lands. It happens next to us, every day. Waste is created at a staggering rate daily, and most of it is unnecessary. It has to do with producers but also consumers, each one of us. The current way of living is undoubtedly unsustainable and our consumption habits need to change.
We’re partnering with talented people and inspiring institutions to bring about change. We live and work by example and always talk about sustainability as a way of life. Things are slowly changing and the future is bright.